7 Fun Thanksgiving Day Facts from your friends at Creative Cables

Sure, here at Creative-Cables we love pendant lighting, and cloth covered wire. We love teaching others how to build their own lights and how to Be Creative. But sometimes it's fun to diverge from the topic of lighting parts for DIY lamp building and just focus on fun and weird information:) So for this post today you won't learn how to build your own light, but you will learn some fun and cool facts about one of America's favorite holidays.

7 Weird But Fun Facts About Thanksgiving

1-The First “Thanksgiving” was celebrated in November of 1621 when William Bradford invited Native American ally Chief Masssoit and members of his Wampanoag Tribe to a celebratory feast. While no one is sure what was exactly one the menu we do know from journals that Bradford sent men on a hunting trip for fowl to prepare for the event. And we also know that Wampanoag members brought five deer to the feast.
2-There were no pies, cakes or amazing desserts at the first Thanksgiving. Flour was scarce as was the supply of sugar by the fall of 1621.
3-In 1789 George Washington issued the first Thanksgiving proclamation stating that Americans should express their gratitude for the end of the war of independence and the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. But no certain day was set aside as an official day of thanksgiving.
4-The author of the nursery rhyme “Mary Had A Little Lamb”, Sarah Josepha Hale, should be credited for making sure the holiday we now view as Thanksgiving was officially established. In 1827 Hale began campaigning for the National Holiday of Thanksgiving. She had letters published in prominent newspapers and spoke and sent letters to governors, senators and any politician she could find. She finally found someone to listen to to her in 1863 when President Abraham Lincoln established Thanksgiving as an official U.S. Holiday that would take place every year on the final Thursday of November.
5-The day we observe Thanksgiving Day changed by one week in 1939. At the height of the Great Depresion the Retail Dry Goods Association approached President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and warned him that holiday sales were going to be terrible that year. There would be too little time between Thanksgiving Day and Christmas for shoppers to purcahse their goods. Taking this into consideration, FDR moved the holiday up one week to the third Thursday in November. People revolted and many either refused to observe the new date or just observed both the new and the old dates. Two years later FDR admitted his mistake in moving the holiday and issued a new proclamation that Thanksgiving Day be observed on the fourth Thursday of November.
6-If youre counting at home, that means that we’ve had three “official” days to observe Thanksgiving Day. Here’s a recap: 1863 Lincoln establishes it to be held on the last Friday of November; 1939 FDR changes it to the third Thursday; 1941 FDR realizes his mistake and changes the date again, this time to be held on the fourth Thursday of the month.
7-This year Thanksgiving Day occurs on November 22. This is the earliest day of the month it can occur on in any given year. That is, unless of course it is changed again by another president. In that case we should probably begin celebrating all Thursdays in November!

So, there you go. How many of these interesting and weird facts about Thanksgiving did you know?

This year We're Thankful For You! (And we're thankful that you read all the way to the bottom of this post.) So to celebrate you we're offering 25% OFF our ENTIRE STORE now through Sunday. 

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When we say all our entire store is on sale, we mean ALL our products: pendant lights, cloth covered wire cables, lampshades, swag hooks, lighting , lamp parts, light building supplies, accessories & more. Everything we have is on sale! Even custom made products are on sale. Everything is discounted without restrictions or any minimum order quantity required.

So, what are you waiting for? Go get Christmas shopping now!

Posted on 2018-11-20 Be Creative!

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